Rafe’s Accountability Questions

  1. How is your overall spiritual health? By God’s grace, can it be said of you that you are a growing Christian whose first love is the Lord, and do you have a passion to know the Lord better, to serve Him more and more, obey Him from your heart and to bring glory to the Lord Jesus Christ?
  2. Are you really striving to please the Lord in all areas of your life? How does that show?
  3. Are you becoming more conformed to the image of your precious Lord Jesus Christ? In what ways?
  4. Have you been totally honest? Have you engaged in any half-truths, falsehoods, or lies? Have you avoided harsh words? [Or have you been quarrelsome and ill-tempered ?] Have you harbored a spirit of unforgiveness, grudge-bearing or bitterness against anyone? Have you been patient?
  5. Have you hidden any sins? Is there any unconfessed sin in your life that you are unwilling to deal with? Have you refused to fully repent? Is your conscience clear and clean before God and with others?
  6. Have you been morally pure? Have you maintained purity in your thoughts, words, actions and relationships with women? Have you viewed online or in print any pornography, dirty books or other material which show or contain nudity, adultery, perversion, or sexual content? Did you vigilantly control your eyes and ears? Did you immediately flee from lust? Did you immediately “look away” and remove any unexpected exposure to something sinful?
  7. Have you truly honored Godin all aspects of your life with all your decisions? [Or have you engaged in any conduct, words or thoughts which were dishonoring to the Lord?] Would the Lord consider your thoughts, words, attitudes and actions to have been and to be consistent with God’s Word and His Ways?
  8. Did you give of yourself, your time, your service, your gifts, your experience, your strengths and your talents to the Lord and to your local church? Have you faithfully kept your financial and time commitments to your local Church? Are you a cheerful and sacrificial giver? Have you been a good and faithful steward?
  9. Have you spent quantity and quality time studying and pondering on the Word of God every day as a part of systematic Bible study? Are you working on memorizing Scripture? Do you have a disciplined and vital devotional life?
  10. How has your prayer life been (i.e. the work of prayer)? Have you spent quantity and quality time in prayer daily as a part of a disciplined, persistent and fervent prayer program? Do you have a plan for your work of prayer? Have you remained in an attitude of ready-to-pray at-an-instant throughout the day?
  11. Have you prayed for each member of your family every day? Have you kept current on the prayer requests and prayer needs of each member of your family? Have you faithfully kept your promises to pray for someone or about something (have you immediately written down your promises to pray so that you surely will not break that promise to pray)?
  12. Have you been an effective father according to God’s Word ? Have you affirmatively planned and prayed about how to best lead, protect, teach, nurture and support your family? Have you carried out those things excellently? Have you kept your family as true a priority? Have you invested your time and energy into your family this week by giving your attention – even undivided attention and time to the activities and interests of your family, family conversation, spiritual instruction of your family, and family recreation? Have you protected your family? How? Have you maintained proper balance and priorities when considering your family and their needs and benefits, in relation to your work, activities, and friends away from your family?
  13. While being the head of your wife, have you been totally submitted to Christ as your head? Have you loved your wife just as Christ has loved the church, and as you love your own body? Have you always been KIND and GENTLE with your wife? Have you cherished her, nourished her, cleansed her and sanctified her? Have you treated your wife with respect and recognized her as your EQUAL and as your joint heir of Christ’s gracious gift of life?
  14. Have you honored your wife? Have you been totally loyal to your wife in every respect? Have you affirmed your wife and assisted her to be her best, to be her most fruitful and to accomplish her goals? Have you maintained excellent and God-honoring communication with your wife. Have you vigilantly guarded and kept confidential all matters that should be kept strictly private between your wife and you?
  15. Have you taken the lead in romance and intimacy with your wife, remembering that your body belongs also to your wife and that you must not deprive your wife of sex and sexual satisfaction ? Do you lead in keeping communication open with your wife about how to better please your wife sexually, and how to bring her to orgasms Have you kept your wife as your best friend and your confidante?
  16. Have you taken captive your thoughts in obedience to Christ? Has your thought life been honoring to the Lord and have you refused to think, visualize or fantasize about themes of power, sexual misconduct, illicit relationships, or materialism? Can the Lord be pleased with your thoughts? Have you guarded your mind and daydreaming so that your only lust is limited to your pure lust for your wife, for sex with your wife, and for your wife’s body.
  17. Have you honored the Lord with your speech? Have you vigilantly guarded your tongue so that your speech is consistent with a sound commitment to the Lord and displays a clear testimony for Him? Have you avoided wrongful jokes, careless talk, gossip, slander, tongue-wagging, cutting others down, wrongful criticism or the giving and receiving of bad reports about other Christians? Would the Lord be pleased with your speech?
  18. Are you actively and openly involved in evangelism? Do you have a plan for the “who?” “when?” and “how?” of your evangelizing, and have you followed that plan? Did you PRAY for opportunities to witness and for God’s strength, guidance, and effectiveness in evangelizing? Did you readily share your faith in Christ these days through personal evangelism and did you maintain and display a clear, evident Christian testimony? Is your light shining before others?
  19. What is your present grade in the areas of: (a) Christian character; (b) ethics; (c) morality; (d) integrity; (e) willing obedience of the Lord’s directives and instructions; (f) being the husband God calls you and instructs you to be; and (g) being the father and grandfather God calls you and instructs you to be?
  20. Have you kept your relationship with the Lord vital, close, passionate, sweet and unhindered? When you sinned did you truly repent of each sin? Then did you quickly seek the Lord to confess your sins and did you ask for forgiveness from the Lord and from anyone wronged or offended?
  21. Have you been disciplined in all aspects of your life? Have you always exercised self-control? Have you taken proper and God-honoring care of your body – which is the temple of the Holy Spirit – through exercising and nutrition
  22. Have you been an example of a believer so as to encourage other Christians and to attract unbelievers to the Lord? Have you eliminated any possible “stumbling blocks”? Have you made choices that were totally in accord with God’s Word and were clearly pleasing to God? Have you remained on the “center beam” of God’s will and God’s way?
  23. Have you genuinely submitted to all proper authority? (to the Lord and His Word, to your pastors and church leaders, to political rulers and the laws of the land, and to others in authority over you.)
  24. Do you have God’s peace in your life? Do you have abundant joy in the Lord? Are you truly content with what you have? Are you striving to achieve spiritual and personal growth – are you growing in the grace and knowledge of your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? How does that show? Are you constantly becoming more sanctified? How does it show?
  25. Have you been humble? Have you rejected pride and selfishness? Did you give God 100% of the credit? Did you think and act in ways that are consistent with the truth that apart from the Lord you can do NOTHING? Did you put into your life and choices the principle that “I can’t…God can”?
  26. Have you always hallowed God? Have you eliminated “idols” in your life and in your heart to be sure that God is in fact number one in your life, in your attention, in your devotion, and in your desires?
  27. Have you been careful and God-pleasing in your associations and in choosing your friends and counselors, and in your deciding with whom you spend your time?
  28. Have you maintained an attitude of conscious thankfulness to God, and have you expressed your thanks to Him in all things and at all times, and especially during your times of prayer? Have you been thankful to others and have you expressed that appreciation verbally or in writing to others?
  29. Have you fulfilled with excellence your God-given roles, duties, callings, and responsibilities? As a child of God, as a man, as a husband, as a father, as a grandfather, as an employer or supervisor, as an employee or a subordinate, as a member of and servant at your local church, as a friend, and as a counselor? Are you remaining conscious of the reality that your Lord Jesus Christ may return at any moment?